Confurr helps landlords
that are spending too much time, effort and money dealing with responsive repairs, to dramatically improve the way that tenants report and landlords record issues, driving efficiency, tenant satisfaction, decarbonisation & significant cost savings, whilst helping improve the quality of lives of residents
We will never share your personal information
95% of residents happy to have a video call there and then
60% of calls did not require an onsite property survey
Saving >£85 per call
The truth is, right now budgets are tighter than ever before, but the pressure to improve tenant satisfaction measure scores is very real
Inefficient reporting and recording of responsive repairs can lead to:
- increased site visits for your surveyors
- longer lead times to get a surveyor to a property due to the increased workload and pressure
- not being able to instantly triage and prioritise the more severe cases
- reduced tenant satisfaction
- increased complaints
- increased cost
Because the way that responsive repairs are reported by tenants and recorded by your agents, it is costing you
So, take me up on the offer of a quick discovery call, where you can highlight the current challenges you face, we can discuss how we might be able to help you overcome these, and then you can decide on how to proceed… demo or disengage
Engage with us and we will help with the challenges highlighted above and offer a roadmap to success:
- platform demo & detailed discovery
- Solution proposal and implementation plan
- customer reference call
And we will show you a way to:
- help improve the reporting and recording of responsive repairs
- reduce surveyor visits and help with decarbonisation
- improve resident engagement and help achieve your TSM’s
- reduce complaints from residents
- supporting your organisations invest to save strategy with significant cost savings
- help improve the quality of lives of your residents
Yes, I want to chat about how we can overcome these challenges
Clare Vale – Managing Director at Sign Solutions
Confurr is also used by those for whom British Sign Language is a first language, and will allow them to converse with any contact centre, over the phone, through a BSL Video Relay Interpreter, providing equal access to customer services, DWP, household utilities and healthcare providers.
Cllr John Harrison – North Tyneside Council
“We’re delighted to see how successfully our video diagnosis system has been so far, and it’s made a real difference to our teams and our residents. Everybody should have a home where they feel comfortable and safe, and our number one priority is always to ensure that our residents’ concerns are responded to quickly and efficiently – this system has given us another platform to do exactly that”.
The Northern Housing Awards – Finalist in the category ‘best use of technology by a social landlord’
Since its introduction, the we have been able to offer more specific advice to residents – allowing officers to allocate resource to the most pressing reports and respond promptly.
Designed and built around Local Authority and social landlord workflows
Designed in conjunction with Customer Service Requirements in the assessment and maintenance of Social Housing, Confurr will support your way of working
© 2024 Confurr Ltd